Ultimate Travel Challenges (Bingo Board)

Ultimate Travel Challenges (Bingo Board)
For those who seek excitement and adrenaline. For those who want to challenge themselves properly! Here is the link: https://www.oedegaardsreiseroglivet.eu/offers/op5Mi2Vx
What you get:
- 20 Bingo boards
- 8 Challenges, per board.
- Common and extreme challenges.
- Can spend anything from 1 day to 1 year, or more to complete all the activities. Choose the time that suits you best!
- Can be played/used with friends, family, new friends. Is for those who like excitement and new challenges.
Here I am including a couple of pictures of two of the bingo boards, so that you can see a little more of what it is all about:
For only 99Kr
Can be downloaded as a PDF file, or image files. When you have purchased the product, it will be sent to you by email, where you can download the bingo boards. They can also be printed.
This sounds really exciting! As there are ultimate and extreme challenges, imagine if you are skydiving with a friend, or going to the zoo alone, then you can tick a box or two on the bingo board. You can agree with friends whether you should have a prize for the first to finish etc. A great fun game for the most adventurous.